My Services

I realize that no two people are the same and as such tailor my therapy to meet the specific needs of my clients. Whether you are struggling with anxiety, depression or any other issue.

I utilize Adlerian therapy which is a positive, and humanistic therapy that is based on the theories of Alfred Adler, who studied the effects of feelings, discouragement, and social belonging on human behavior. It emphasizes understanding the whole person within their social context and highlights the importance of feelings of belonging, significance, and contribution to society.

Adlerian therapy is goal-oriented and helps clients understand and change their problematic behaviors by using their strengths and learning new skills. 

Adlerian therapy can be applied to any type of psychological issue or mental illness and can be combined with other therapeutic methods or adapted to different populations.

Contact me today to get started with services and find what works best for you!

Individual Therapy

Are you having a difficult time handling the struggles in your life? Could you use an expert opinion on what you’re going through, or a non-judgmental ear just to listen? Do you think you could benefit the most from individualized attention? Are you hesitant to talk to others about your problems? If you answered “yes” to any of these questions, then individual therapy could be the solution you’ve been seeking. Individual therapy differs from Group or Alternative therapy methods in the way that you are the sole focus of a single therapist who helps you develop and achieve your goals for therapy.

Men’s Issues

Are you feeling lost and uncertain about the way your life is going? Do you suffer from anxiety or depression? Do you wish you had someone to talk to but are afraid that asking for help isn’t “the manly thing to do?”

While traditionally men have not been the ones to seek out therapy, that doesn’t mean they haven’t had reason to. For example, according to a recent Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration (SAMHSA) survey, the number of men who seek treatment for mental health issues is significantly lower than the number of women with the same mental health concerns.

Counseling for Trauma

Most people will experience trauma in their lifetime whether it’s a car accident, abuse or neglect, the sudden death of a loved one, a violent criminal act, exposure to the violence of war, or a natural disaster. While many people can recover from trauma over time with the love and support of family and friends and bounce back with resiliency, others may discover the effects of lasting trauma, which can cause a person to live with deep emotional pain, fear, confusion, or posttraumatic stress far after the event has passed.

Parenting Support and Education

“If only my child had come with an instruction manual!” That’s a thought that most parents have had at some point in their lives. Nothing really prepares you to become a parent. Some of us were lucky enough to have parents that set a good example. But others grew up in homes where the dynamic between child and parent was anything but functional or consistently loving. But the truth is, even if you did have loving parents that did right by you 24/7, you can never be fully prepared to handle sticky situations with your own children. You never really know what behavioral challenges your child may wind up struggling with, and how those will affect your other children and the family as a whole. This is where parenting coaching comes in.

Child & Adolescent Therapy

Does your child have trouble dealing with their emotions? Is their behavior sometimes disruptive to your home life? Have they experienced sudden loss or trauma? As they grow, children and adolescents develop social skills and emotional intelligence. This awareness helps them to develop into healthy, happy, and successful individuals. But some children have trouble processing their emotions and this often leads to behavior that negatively impacts their school life, home life and overall well-being. Therapy offers children and adolescents a safe space to work through their thoughts and emotions. With the help of a specialized therapist, children can resolve problems, modify behaviors, and make positive and lasting changes.

Anger Management Support & Education

When you’re angry, do you start name-calling? Do you get angry when someone wants you to open up and share your feelings? Do you lack patience? Are your family members or kids afraid to talk to you? No one wants to admit they get angry, especially when it gets out of control and hurts the ones we love. Anger issues aren’t uncommon and the first step towards change is an admittance of the problem. Learning to stop isn’t as simple as some may think, but together we can come up with a game plan tailored exclusively to you.

Counseling for Couples

Do you feel like your relationship is at a standstill? Are you and your partner stuck in the same argument loop every night? Do you feel like you and your partner are drifting away? Do you desire more intimacy between you and your partner? All things can be improved, changed, and bettered with just a little support, no matter how big or small. With couples therapy, you’ll learn how to communicate your feelings and needs, and get what you want out of your relationship.

Consultation & Training

Are you in the business of helping others, but feel worn out or lacking in specific areas? Consultation and training services may be right for you! 

Does your staff or organization need more education and support on how to best support clients? Do you have staff that are burnt out or struggling in the workplace. Have you seen an increase in call-in's, workflow productivity, health care costs and more. 

Consultation and training services on burnout, how trauma impacts us and more can be helpful moving staff and clients towards the best versions of themselves. If our staff is supported well so are our clients are supported. 

My goal with consultation and training services is to help your business and staff with specific, critical and complex problems to your site and clientele but it can also be used for introductory and entry level education. 

Reach out to me today to see if consultation and training services is right for you, your staff, and your business and 

Reach out to me today!

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